Exploring Obesity Through the Lens of Ayurveda

Obesity, an intricate and multifaceted condition, affects over a third of the global population. It involves the accumulation of excessive body fat, leading to various adverse health effects. Associated health risks include diabetes, cardiovascular disorders, hyperlipidemia, kidney-related issues, hypertension, and more, significantly impacting overall well-being. The imbalance between calorie intake and expenditure, often stemming from unhealthy lifestyle habits, primarily contributes to obesity. Treatment approaches typically prioritize calorie burning through physical activity, dietary adjustments, medications, and in some cases, surgical intervention. In Ayurveda, obesity, known as "stably," is characterized by the accumulation of fat tissues (meda) and flesh (mama) in areas such as the hips, abdomen, and breasts. It stems from doshic imbalances exacerbated by poor dietary choices, sedentary behavior, and a lack of physical activity, ultimately leading to the aggravation of Kapha dosha and subsequent health issues. Acharya Charaka categorizes obesity under "santarpan janya vyadhi" (diseases caused by overnutrition), associating it with conditions like diabetes, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension, and hyperlipidemia. Rooted in Ayurvedic principles, understanding the causes of obesity is pivotal for comprehensive treatment. Causal factors are classified into dietary, lifestyle, genetic, and psychological categories. Symptoms associated with obesity are diverse, including breathlessness, reduced enthusiasm, profuse sweating, body aches, and excessive sleepiness. Ayurvedic management of obesity focuses on rebalancing doshas, dhatus (tissues), metabolism, and digestion. Treatment encompasses a holistic approach, including dietary modifications, lifestyle changes, physical activity, and herbal medicines. Shamana treatment involves dietary adjustments, lifestyle modifications, and Ayurvedic medications aimed at addressing the root causes of obesity, enhancing metabolism, and promoting weight loss. Shodhana treatment, comprising purificatory procedures, aims to detoxify the body, eliminate the root cause of obesity, and prevent its recurrence. Panchakarma procedures like Vamana, Virechana, Lekhana Basti, and Ruksha Udvartana are recommended to restore balance and vitality. It is essential to seek guidance from a qualified Ayurvedic practitioner for personalized treatment and to minimize the risk of side effects while achieving optimal results.

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