Individuals who commit negative actions will face divine consequences from God at some point in their lives

At times, it may seem that those who engage in virtuous deeds are not rewarded, while those who commit wrongdoings are not punished by God. However, the divine realm operates across many lifetimes, and it is erroneous to believe that individuals are not held accountable for their actions. Here are examples illustrating how God administers consequences for negative deeds. Consider the case of Bhishma Pitamah, who endured suffering on a bed of arrows. Despite leading a righteous life for 72 past births, Bhishma Pitamah faced this punishment. Lord Krishna revealed that Bhishma had committed a transgression in his 73rd past life by causing harm to insects with thorns or needles. Although this karma remained dormant, Bhishma's involvement in Duryodhana's unrighteous acts during the Mahabharata war triggered the manifestation of his past misdeed, resulting in his current plight. Likewise, Ashwathama incurred a curse from Lord Krishna following his heinous actions at the end of the Mahabharata war. After mistakenly killing the sleeping sons of the Pandavas and targeting the unborn child of Abhimanyu and Uttara, Ashwathama faced severe consequences. Lord Krishna cursed Ashwathama to carry the burden of humanity's sins, endure solitude, and suffer from incurable diseases until the end of Kaliyuga. This curse left Ashwathama condemned to a wretched existence, devoid of love and compassion. It is believed that Ashwathama still roams the earth, seeking redemption from Lord Shiva near the Narmada River. These instances serve as reminders that individuals who engage in wrongdoing will face divine retribution, either in this life or in subsequent existences. God's justice extends beyond the human realm, encompassing all beings across the spectrum of creation. Those who commit negative deeds may be reborn into lower forms of life, enduring suffering until they atone for their actions. Ultimately, the principle of karma dictates that individuals reap what they sow. Those who cultivate virtue and engage in righteous conduct will be rewarded, while those who perpetrate wrongdoing will face the consequences. Therefore, it is imperative to adhere to the path of righteousness and refrain from actions that cause harm to oneself and others. By practicing good deeds and upholding moral values, individuals can pave the way for a more harmonious existence and attain spiritual growth.

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