Service to the Saints

No mortal can evade the shadow of sins in their daily lives. Sins, whether committed knowingly or unknowingly, often persist despite our best efforts to avoid them. How then can one rid themselves of the effects of sins while simultaneously avoiding their occurrence? Sri Shukdev Goswāmi offers a simple solution to King Prikshith in the Srimad Bhāgavatam. Facing imminent death due to a curse, King Prikshith renounced everything and sought refuge in Sri Shukdev for salvation. Sri Shukdev Goswāmi advises King Prikshith: "na tathā hyagwān rājan puyeyt tapādhibhi yathā krishnārpit pranāstatt purush nishevyā" (Ch. 6/1/16) Translation: O dear Prikshith, even the most intense ascetic practices cannot absolve all the sins of a sinful person. (Tapas refers to the act of meditating upon God with the endeavor to gain control over all sensual instincts.) However, the same can be accomplished easily by serving the saints, i.e., by engaging in sevā of those who have dedicated their lives and minds to the lotus feet of Sri Krishna. Sevā entails selfless service, offering food, shelter, or any assistance to the saints in carrying out their devotional practices without interruption. Such saints are beloved by God, and even God Himself seeks the opportunity to serve them. There are numerous instances in the lives of saints like Kabir, Tarlochan, Sain, Namdev, and Narsi, where God appeared to assist them in their endeavors. We should strive to serve such saints selflessly, without expecting anything in return. The cleansing of sins paves the way for peace and happiness, ultimately leading to communion with God, which is itself a significant reward for such service.

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