Your Guide to Fall Wellness: Embracing Ayurvedic Principles

Fall Season: Navigating Sharad Ritu the Ayurvedic Way Sharad Ritu, or the fall season, is one of the six seasons in the Indian Ayurvedic calendar, spanning from September to November. As the season transitions from rainy and cold weather, the autumn sun intensifies, posing challenges for the body's equilibrium, particularly the Pitta dosha. Here's how to support your well-being during this period: Moderate Digestive Power: With the body's strength considered moderate, digestion also falls into a medium range. To counter the aggravation of Pitta, Charaka emphasizes a diet comprising light, easily digestible foods. Opt for sweet, light, cold, and slightly bitter items, consumed only when hungry. Pitta Pacification: Incorporate ghee infused with bitter herbs to mitigate the effects of Pitta. Sushruta recommends astringent flavors alongside dairy products, honey, and green gram pulse to balance Pitta-related imbalances. Dietary Recommendations: Follow these dietary guidelines during autumn: Include meats like common quail, partridge, sheep, and rabbit. Utilize milk, sugarcane juice, honey, and oil in your preparations. Consume fruits and vegetables such as banana, apple, grapes, Indian gooseberry, Chiku, methi (fenugreek), dudhi (bottle gourd), sweet potato, pumpkin, spring beans, karela (bitter melon), cucumber, and cabbage. Avoid Stimulants: Limit the intake of tea and coffee, as excessive consumption can exacerbate Pitta. Avoid Refrigerated Foods: Steer clear of refrigerated and chilled items, as they can disrupt the body's balance. By adhering to these dietary recommendations and habits, you can navigate Sharad Ritu with ease, supporting your well-being and maintaining balance during the fall season.

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